Location: Singapore Part 2

I have set myself up in a lounge at Singapore Airport to pass the six hours between flights... So far I have managed to have a shower that rivals the gym I used in Brisbane for lowest standards of hygene (although the gym I used still is the winner in that category with the band-aid on the shower partition for three days) and managed to nap on the comfy chairs. I also have had a few cups of coffee to try to stay awake as well... Since the lounge also has wi-fi I have connected to the world as well...

I flew out of Brisbane in a slightly bright pink and green and yellow and blue striped Ralph Lauren polo. The customs official commented that that it was the brightest thing he had seen all evening. I asked him if I get a prize but he didn't say anything else... He was the sort of dull fellow that would do that sort of dull job of stamping your passport and making you fill out unneccessary paperwork such as how long you plan to be out of the country so that was enough personality from him for one evening. As the paperwork is only used for useless statistical purposes I entered 33 and a third months for absolutely no reason whatsoever...


Anonymous said…
Re: the dainty little customs official

to quote your mother... I think you picked up there

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