News: Terror comes to Brisbane

No not my nephew, but the news that a suspect has been arrested in connection with the Glasgow and London bombings in Brisbane.

First of all... It isn't me. Mind you some people here would be happy to see me arrested after being here less than a week and disrespecting a local clairvoyant to the stars. I suggested that her predictions were a bit of a fraud after noting she was passing off 2-year old pics of Ricky Martin with his half brother as proof he has a current gay lover. Her other prediction was that she was in a London pub and saw only skeletons (clairvoyant-speak for seeing impending DEATH). I have been to Comptons on Old Condom Street in Soho too and seen the same thing... It's a shame really but at least the older gays get out a bit.

Anyway from one soothsayer to another, I particularly liked the fearless reporting of the local newspaper The Courier Mail, and the graphic (sampled below) which captures the terror hunt from Glasgow, Liverpool, London all the way to Gold Coast hospital. And there I was thinking that the main terror at the Gold Coast hospital was surfie dudes and their barefoot girlfriends hurling abuse and broken bottles of XXXX.

Anyway, while the story omits the fact that the doctor hasn't been charged with anything and may at the end of the day be free to go, The premier has reassured the state by noting "It's really important that everybody understands that while we have recruited overseas doctors, 99.9 per cent of them are good citizens who are working very hard,". It is just that 0.1 per cent Queensland Health employs were you get a Jayant Patel or some terrorist... That's the bummer...

Source: Courier Mail website 3 July 2007

Ok now back to our regular blogging...


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